Containment Breach


The SCP Foundation is a fictional secret organization documented by the collaborative writing wiki project of the same name. Within the website's shared universe, the Foundation is responsible for capturing and containing various paranormal, supernatural, and other mysterious phenomena unexplained by mainstream science (known as "anomalies" or "SCPs"), while also keeping their existence hidden from the rest of human society. The real-world website is community-based and includes elements of many genres such as horror, science fiction, and urban fantasy.


Produce an SCP-inspired video from two still images.

Image one + Image Two




When’s the last time you visited a library? Browsed the stacks…Smelled the pages?

The Hunt Library bookBot, a robotic book delivery system, can store up to two million items in a climate-controlled environment and deliver any of them within five minutes of a click in the online catalog. Requiring one-ninth the space of conventional shelving, the bookBot helps transform this 21st-century library from a storage facility into a rich environment of learning and collaborative spaces.

However, not everyone is pleased. As more and more print materials are retired from the open shelves of Hunt Library and stored in bins only accessible by the bookBot, library visitors can no longer experience the simple joys of getting lost amidst the shelves, holding a book in their hands, or the rare joy of stumbling upon an undiscovered favorite.

These animated set of illustrations are sourced from materials now retired from Hunt Library’s open shelves to the bookBot; originally discovered the old-fashioned way.

Calendar Girl


Through a series of compositions this booklet explores relationships between seemingly unrelated elements. It is centered around the female figure and depicts images rendered in several characteristic styles. The text accompanying the women is comprised of fragments taken from the Birds of the Eastern Forest describing them as if an untamed creature. The compositions grow increasingly dark as the booklet progresses into the late winter months.

Composed solely of illustrated, painted, and drawn components sourced from books at North Carolina State University Libraries.

Alphonse Mucha: the complete posters and panels (1983)
Pin-up dreams: the glamour art of Rolf Armstrong (2001)
Calendar girl: sweet & sext pin-ups of the postwar era (2003)
J.C Leyendecker: American imagist (2008)
The art of Robert E. McGinnis (2014)
Jeremy Mann (2015)
Birds of the eastern forest (1970)